Thursday, June 28, 2012

Today People Talk About Google Nexus 7

As they are talking about it, I just feature its images here.
Welcome New Android Tablet: Google Nexus 7

And that's from its feature page, Google Nexus 7, All Features

Google Plus Event Ready Now

Let's have a look to this image, you might get feel or notify while you first login to your Google Plus profile.

Google Plus Event Manager

Welcome to new feature, Google Plus Event which you can manage any event as it states:

Everyone's photos, in one place
Everyone can contribute directly to one shared photo collection.
View events on Google Calendar
You can view and respond to your events on Google Calendar
Share instantly with Party Mode
Snap and share photos to the event in real time, right from your phone

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Notable Users of Google+ in Cambodia

I'm curious when I saw there are some interesting google+ users in Cambodia. I found it out in the Google+ Demographics for Cambodia and they are:

Checkout their Google Plus Profile:
And how about you? Wanna to share your profile to be one of the notable user in the statistic? If so, please do it now in comment. 

Source:  Google+ Demographics for Cambodia

Statistic About Google Plus Users in Cambodia, Do You Know?

Do you know how gplus users in Cambodia interact each others nowadays?
Here are some extracting statistic that might be very useful for some marketers of gplus.

Before getting into detail, what I have found from the statistic, there are a big number of young people in Cambodia playing Google Plus and mostly they are male with student occupation. They are here for looking for friends and networking.

Statistic in Detail

Relationship Status
Relationship Status
The majority of users in Cambodia, 62.99%, are Single followed by 13.73% which are In a Relationship.

They are Looking for...
Looking for...
The majority of users in Cambodia, 37.08%, are looking for Friends followed by 29.45% which are looking for Networking

Gender Distribution
Wow, Male is 81.63% and Female only 17.52% ~ what the men are looking for ;) ?

Age Breakdown
The majority of users in Cambodia, 69%, fall into the 18-24 age range.

And mostly gplus users in Cambodia are students, 3 main origins to be noticed which are mostly from Phnom Penh, then Kampong Thom and Battambang but they are all living in Phnom Pen, in detail check out the source of the statistic.

Source: Demographics breakdown of the Google+ users

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Make Short GPlus URL via

I found many people in Cambodia already aware and using to make their gplus profile shorter.

Here, I make one for that will redirect to my gplus page.

Let's share how simple to make it since now Google Plus profile URL is so long and difficult to share to others. If you wan to have it, please have a look to as following simple guide:

You just need to:
  1. Give your nick name, example: my case: gpluscambodia
  2. Put your Google+ ID (find as in the picture), example: my case: 103803170181807128645
Then you will get it to share it with other people or place it in your signature easily.