Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Google+ app now available in Cambodia on iTune store

Few months ago I mentioned that Google+ app on iTune store was not available on Cambodia store but today I could install it and sound available world wide.

I did it on my iPad and it's working just fine with all my expected feature, especially photo instant upload, I love it than iCloud service!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Find People via Google Plus

Another new feature of Google Plus: Find People, it's coming with:

  • Find people
  • People who added you
  • Your circle

This part, it will recommend you people you might want to add around you.
You can find your co-worker, your classmates or services available in Google plus in your area.

Google+ will read your information from your profile and recommended back with people and service companies.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Google Plus Trend on Valentine's Day 2013

I do not see much crowded posts from Cambodians about Valentine's day today, they might be busy going around but of course, it was at facebook.

But today, at Google plus trending, ValentinesDay is a top trending over there. People around the world is tagging it.

All the posts are funny and meaningful.

Happy Valentine's Day 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Google Plus Branding Strategies [Infographics]

At least 10 favorite tactics from copyblogger to use Google+ more effectively:
1. Link Google+ to your blog
2. Build strategic networks with circles
3. Look like a pro: Offer live video chat with Hangouts
4.Use hashtags to make your posts search-friendly
5. Link to your blog posts to rank higher in Google+ and Google search
6. Use Ripples to add influencers to your Circles
7. Want engagement? Write long posts inside Google+
8. Use Direct Connect so people can add you to Circles from Google search
9. Use tags to reach out to people and brands directly
10. Display your photo in Google search results for greater CTR to your blog

Let's have a look for full infographic of 64 Google+ Content Strategies:

 64 Google+ Content Strategies [Infographic]
Like this infographic? Grab a proven framework for content marketing that works from Copyblogger.